

PEFC pātrauc koksnes plūsmu no Krievijas un Baltkrievijas

Šā gada 4. martā Starptautiskā PEFC Padomes valde ir pieņēmusi lēmumu, ka visa Krievijas un Baltkrievijas izcelsmes koksne un tās materiāli tiek uzskatīti par “konflikta koksni” un tāpēc tos nedrīkst lietot PEFC sertificētos produktos. Šāds lēmums tika pieņemts, balstoties uz ANO Ģenerālās asamblejas rezolūciju Nr. A/ES-11/L.1 “Agresija pret Ukrainu”. Vairāk informācijas www.pefc.org

Šis lēmums ir spēkā uz 6 mēnešiem. Ja gadījumā situācija tiks atrisināta ātrāk, Padome lēmumu pārskatīs.

Šis lēmums neietekmē PEFC RUS un PEFC BR dalību PEFC Starptautiskajā Padomē, kā arī to nacionālo standartu pārskatīšanas procesu.

PEFC Starptautiskā Padome uzsver, ka šis lēmums ir tiešā veidā saistīts ar prezidenta Putina lēmumu ar Baltkrievijas valdības atbalstu iebrukt neatkarīgā valstī.

Zemāk skaidrojums angļu valodā no Starptautiskā PEFC: 

We would like to bring to your attention that PEFC recently clarified that timber from Russia and Belarus shall be considered as conflict timber. The clarification follows an extraordinary meeting by the PEFC International Board to discuss Mr Putin’s military aggression against Ukraine and its implications for PEFC and PEFC-certified forest owners and companies.  

The PEFC Chain of Custody standard considers conflict timber as a controversial source (PEFC ST 2002:2020 3.7), which cannot be used in PEFC certified product groups (PEFC ST 2002:2020 Appendix 1 6.1). The clarification that timber from Russia and Belarus is to be categorised as ‘conflict timber’ is based on the UN General Assembly Resolution A/ES-11/L.1 (2 March 2022) “Aggression against Ukraine” during the 11th Emergency Special Session, to safeguard the integrity of PEFC chain of custody certification. 

This clarification applies to all forest and tree based materials going through a PEFC Due Diligence System after 2 March 2022, 11:55 am EST (adoption of the UN General Assembly Resolution A/ES-11/L.1)). Material for which a PEFC DDS was applied before this time and the DDS resulted in negligible risk can be used and be placed on the market.   


  • Timber originating from Russia or Belarus for which a DDS was applied before the deadline and is transported from the forest to a sawmill after the deadline can be used with a PEFC claim.  
  • Timber originating from Russia or Belarus which is already in storage, potentially even outside of the two countries, but the DDS has not yet been applied, is considered as ‘conflict timber’ and cannot be used. 

Further guidance will be published shortly on the PEFC website.  

We kindly ask you to make sure that this information reaches all the auditors, reviewers and certification decision makers covered by your PEFC training and any certified companies.  

If you have any questions linked to this matter, contact us on Conflict-Timber@pefc.org 
